A couple nights ago - Cub started crying it is crib (still hasn't moved to his big bed yet).
There was a time when I might have let him cry a little longer, but I'm starting to feel like I'm running out of snuggle time. I went into his room and he was crying because he wanted to give me my ponytail holder (he likes to play with my hair before he goes to bed and he steels my ponytail holder). Apparently, this was a pretty Earth-shattering ponytail holder.
I snuggled with Cub in his big bed for a couple of hours - he slept, I did not (he's a horrible bed partner). At about two in the morning I put him back to his crib and went back to my bed to sleep.
I didn't sleep well that night, but I wouldn't change a thing about it. I'm looking forward to Chicken's arrival, but I'm feeling a little sad because I know it won't be possible to spend nearly as much time with Cash. Right now, I'm trying to savor every little snuggle I can with my son. Hopefully, Cash will be OK snuggling with me and Chicken.
Here is Cub today decorating some cookies.
After some cookie decorating (and eating), we had to go for a bike ride.
He's a cookie decorating professional!