Saturday, October 6, 2012

Dear Cash - 2.5 Years

Dear little sugar man,

It's your half birthday - 2.5 years!  

You really are becoming such a little man.  You're not without flaws - a tantrum or seven (a day), but you're learning how to express yourself and show your love in such amazing ways. 

I know it's manipulative (you want me to stay in your room), but whenever I put you to bed you say "one more kiss and hug" or "I missed" (referring to the kiss) when I try to leave.  We also play quite a back and forth game of - "I love you, more!".   I don't mind this manipulation one little bit.

You are super goofy and silly and you absolutely love being a little ham - when people are watching.  Your personality is a source of non-stop entertainment for me and daddy, but you prefer to perform in front of others (mom and dad are too boring).  

You love trains -  watch them, play with them, pretend to be them..  You were a train conductor last year for Halloween - maybe this year we'll just dress you up as a train.  You also really love eating your dad's disgusting protein bars.  At school this week, they told me you weren't eating much for lunch.  I had to admit to your teacher that you've been eating a 300 calorie (disgusting, non-food) protein bar for breakfast - eating the entire thing on the way to school!!  We really need to try more real food for you, but you do love your protein bars.  Daddy has actually had to go without a couple of days because you've eaten them all.

You seem to be going through another mommy-phase and I can't say that I mind.  I fear that in a few months you'll be so used to having daddy take you to school and having daddy pick you up, that momma won't be very appealing anymore.   My biggest fear about Chicken's arrival is the decrease in my quality time with you.  I can't stand the idea of not putting you to bed almost every night, so we'll just have to work on some solutions.  

I know once Chicken gets here time will start moving even more quickly, so I'm just going to do my very best to slow down and enjoy our last 2.5 months as a family of three.

Please stop growing up so quickly and please continue to be sweet to me and your daddy.  We love you so very much.

Hugs and Kisses,

Here are a couple of pictures of you playing outside today in the glorious fall weather!

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