Friday, October 19, 2012

Filanthropy Friday

It's a happy day!

My fabulous friend, Liz, adopted a new Cavalier last night. His name is Flynn and he is ADORABLE!

In honor of my new dog nephew, I donated $15 to the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Rescue.  

Tomorrow we are going to the Austin Zoo for a birthday party for one of Cub's classmates (and little crush), Addy.  In lieu of gifts, her parents suggested that we make a donation to the Austin Zoo so I'm donating $10 - Happy Birthday!!

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie, I love you dearly and you are the bestest friend in the whole world. Thank you so much for the donation and for honoring little Flynn who is seriously even cuter in person than in photos. So far here is how its been for him in the new home:

    1. He loves cats and is really scared and confused at how violently Nigel does NOT love him.

    2. Flynn would really like to eat Nigel's cat food and has tried every way possible to climb up on the kitchen table to get in Nigel's bowl. I am going to have to keep an eye on this situation because Flynn, it turns, out is very spry and may actually be able to get up there. However, I fear for his life if he does because Nigel is guarding his food. Stay tuned for updates on this situation.

    3. Oliver refuses to look at or be anywhere near Flynn.

    4. Flynn made the mistake of trying to eat Kodiak's food. Whoops. I don't think Flynn had ever been growled at by a dog that big before. He cried and curled up on my lap for awhile to contemplate the concept of "stealing".

    5. Luke licked Flynn so much that his fur was all wet. But then he seemed to lose interest in him.

    6. One accident in the house so far.

    7. Last night, maybe for the first time in his life, Flynn slept in bed with his family. In the middle of the night he woke me up by licking my face and I thought he wanted to go out. But he didn't. He just wanted to put his head on my shoulder, curl up in the crook of my arm, and sleep with me. Heaven.
