Sunday, February 10, 2013

My Heart

In less than two months, we will have a three-year-old.  

Here is a conversation Cub and I had the other night while I was putting him to bed.  As a little background, Warblers is the name of his current classroom and Cardinals is the name of the classroom he will move into in a couple of months. 

Me:  Cash, you're one of the oldest Warblers now so you need to help the younger Warblers.
Cash:  I need to help them? 
Me:  Yes, you need to help all your teachers with the Warbers who are younger than you.  Because one day soon, you'll be bigger and you'll be a Cardinal.
Cash:  Mommy, I don't want to be a Cardinal.  I just want to be small. 
Me:  You just want to be small?
Cash:  Mommy, is it OK if I just be small for a little while? 
Me:  Of course.

Sweet little boy, I don't think he could have said anything better.

Here are Cub and Pup playing together today.

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