**Picture Heavy Post**
Yesterday we had beautiful weather (today too) so we took advantage and played outside.
In the morning, we went to the Park For All where Cash found a baby doll.
It became HIS baby doll. I thought it made for excellent Chicken practice.
He snuggled the baby and really wanted to take the baby home. He told me the baby's name was "Cash Nay-er".
Thankfully, the baby's rightful owner claimed him (so we didn't steal the baby), but I see a trip to Target in our future to get Cub a baby of his own.
After lots of playing (and attempted kidnapping), he ate a snack.
In the afternoon we went to the Cedar Rock Railroad and rode the train. Cash had a blast (and Buttin did too).
After the Cedar Rock Railroad, we went to Kiddie Acres. This little amusement park was kind of dirty and depressing and like a tetnus shot waiting to happen (see rusty ride below). Buttin said it looked like murders happened at this place. Cash had a great time and thought it was awesome.
Cub also got to ride a pony, which he thought was pretty fun (even if the pony was a little smelly and he called it "donkey").
Gotta enjoy the nice weather while you can! LOL, my Munchkin likes playing with the Kiddo's babies. The Hubs was a little concerned by this, but the Munchkin also likes fighting the bad guys with his super heroes and power rangers, so it's all good!