Thursday, June 7, 2012

Notice Anything New?

I'll give you a hint:  it's my blog header.

For my one blog reader who doesn't know already - I'm pregnant! 

Buttin and I are expecting "chicken" in mid-December.  I'm feeling great - just a little tired and (still) tingly footed.

Thankfully, our neighborhood park's new equipment was usable today!

Cub had a good time playing (and posing) on all the new stuff.


  1. I feel honored to be addressed specifically in your post (lol).

  2. congratulations on the new park! Love the pose, Cash! And of course congrats for the new jr in the making.

  3. What does "and chicken" mean? Dear god tell me you aren't calling your unborn girl child "chicken"??!!???!

  4. Here it is! The one I missed :) Congratulations on your upcoming arrival!!! I didn't even notice that you updated your blog header or your pic of Cub. Worst blogger ever award to me! yay...Winter babies are fun because you don't have to contend with the heat while you're ginormous then deflated/squirting milk.
