Sunday, January 6, 2013

Dear Cash - 2.75 Years

Dear sweet boy,

You are a magnificent son.  I don't know how it's possible to love you more than I already do, but I know that next month  - I will.

You are starting to do so many mischievous things these days.  It's difficult to get upset with you because you're so clever and charming in your deviousness.   This morning I went to the grocery store and left you, your brother and your father at home.  Apparently, you decided to take Chicken's bottle and go running around the house - smiling - while your dad chased you.

Speaking of Chicken, you are a wonderful big brother.  You get upset if we try to change Chicken's diaper without your "help".  If Chicken cries, you hold his hand and say, "it's OK Chicken - don't cry."  You snuggle Chicken and I just can't wait for you two to be best friends. 

I love you so much my little sugar man.   Please continue to be sweet to me, you dad and your brother and please don't grow up too quickly.


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