Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Not THAT Mom

I really like Cub's preschool.

I especially love his current classroom, but most children move up to the next classroom by around age 19 months (Cub is almost 20 months, faint).  They've had some space issues in the older classrooms, so I hadn't really given much thought to Cub's moving up (especially because like I said, I love, love, love his current teachers) because a couple of his buddies (they all started school together when they were around 3 months old) were also still in the classroom.

Anyone guess where this story is going?

I found out today that Cub's two buddies have moved up into the next classroom - which means they've actually been transitioning for the last few weeks (they don't just have them in one classroom one day and a different classroom the next day). 

So, when I learned this factoid - my first thought was - Why hasn't MY CHILD moved up to the next classroom?  My second thought was - Oh geez really, Stephanie?

Cash is technically older than the other boys (one by two days and the other by a couple of weeks), but I know the other boys have hit certain milestones before Cub (they walked earlier and started eating solid foods earlier) and I don't think the other boys have biting issues (ahem, Cubbie).  I'm honestly not sure why Cub hasn't moved up yet and I kind of hate myself for wanting to know.

I know all children develop at different rates and that Cub is super smart (at least when it comes to pushing rockets into fire hydrants).  I've never once had a concern about the timing of his development and I find benchmarking-type parents to be irksome.  However, I just can't help wondering.  Then, I hate myself for wondering because Cub is happy and healthy and loves his teachers and I really shouldn't (and don't want to) rush Cub's toddler-hood.  I don't want to be that mom.

Side note: I'm quite sure my friend Liz will have a field day with this post.  She'll probably say this is all my fault because I ate too much Splenda while pregnant and because I don't do enough physics problems with Cub. She'll also throw in some grievances for good measure. 

Here's the non-physics doing, Splenda fueled toddler on the swing today.

Now a little something that made me smile.  Our new house has only had one other owner and they actually built the house.  We just took up the flooring (we're going to put down tile in the entire downstairs) and found a little drawing that the parents and children had done when they were building the house:

I took a picture and sent it to our agent (who in turn sent it to the sellers' agent who in turn sent it to the sellers) because I thought it was something they might like to see (I have no idea if they even remembered doing it way back in 1999).  I got an email back (from our agent) saying that the sellers LOVED it and were very touched that we took the time to send them the photo.  It made me feel good.


  1. Awww...What a very sweet and thoughtful thing to do, sending that pic! A momma who would do something like that and teach her son about stuff like filanthropy friday, to me, is on an entirely different level than physics, milestones, and "moving" "up". There are going to be enough stressed out kids in our younglings' generation. We'll need the biters. Trust me. Thanks for the sweet post :)

  2. OH man this post is like a big fat Christmas gift for me. I don't want to waste this opportunity so I am going to carefully craft my list of grievances as well as all the things you have done to make Cash and underachiever so I am going to work on it and post something later tonight or tomorrow. Thank you for sharing this because it gives me so much fodder to work with. Cash is never getting into Stanford now. The best you can hope for is one of those sketchy online community colleges that operate out of the Caribbean.

    In other news, Courtney Love announced that she is Lindsey Lohan's "sober coach". Yep, that is right...the coke whore leading the coke whore. What could go wrong? Answer: not a damn thing as far as I am concerned.

    Your friend and constant parent coach/critic,


    PS: This is exactly the kind of thing that happens (your child underachieving) when you try to make large life decisions without consulting me. You know what I am talking about so don't make me spell it out for you. I expect a spreadsheet by the end of the week of all the decisions you are trying to make right now so that I can tell you "yes" or "no" to each one. Clearly thinking for yourself hasn't worked out for you or your poor little offspring/spawn.
