Thursday, April 14, 2011

Low Expectations

I have rather low expectations for my last half marathon of the season (that's what good runners in Texas call the period between November - April), Zooma.

This is the elevation map.

I'm not exactly sure what it means, but it looks hard.

Here is a graphic representation of my hill training the past few weeks.

I've also been kind of sick the past couple of weeks (maybe you've read?) which has meant very little training, irrespective of the hills. 

I'm sure my mother and I will have a nice time watching the race crew as the start picking up at the water stations right as we arrive.  

OK, onto Graby.  Lest you think I'm his only dorky parent, here's a little story about Buttin's dorkiness.

If Buttin and I are alone with Cub, we often take pictures of Cub (with our phone) and send them to the non-present parent.  

This morning (it was still rather dark), Cub decided he was gonna go for a walk outside.  I thought it was kind of funny and I took a couple pictures.  When Cub turned around, the flash caught his eyes and I got a creepy Cub picture.  I sent it to Buttin.

Buttin sent a new picture back to me with the caption:  THE INVASION BEGINS - SAVE US KITTY WARRIOR. 

See, Buttin is a dork too.

After I picked Cub up from school today, I took him to work for a little while.  He helped Buttin do some important work.

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