Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dear Cash - 18 months

Dear little man,

Eighteen months!  Happy half-birthday my little sugar man.

Eighteen months feels like such a milestone.  I look at the pictures I've taken of you in recent days and think - He's turning into a little boy.  What happened to my baby?

You were barely starting solid foods this time last year and now you're a little carb-eating machine.  It's not very shocking that you love your cards - bread, cereal, rice, cookie - your dad and I love them too.

You use sign language like crazy right now, but still no real words except for "ut-oh" and sometimes/kind of "bye".

Your new addiction is Yo Gabba Gabba.  You have actually started watching television - your dad and I don't know whether to feel thankful  or like bad parents.  In the afternoon, when I'm getting your stuff ready for the next day - I can give you two crackers and say, Go sit down and eat your crackers. And you'll hop on the couch and sit there mesmerized by the television while slowly eating your crackers.  It's pretty cute.

You still love outside and if given the choice between television and outside, outside always wins.

It is so difficult to believe that six months from now - you will be TWO YEARS OLD!  I'm still kind of in denial that you are a year old. 

There is nothing I wouldn't give to keep your whole life free from pain, sadness or sickness.  Everyday I am more  grateful than the last for your smile, laugh and health.  You make your father and I so happy - I know we're your parents, but we find you endlessly entertaining. 

Please be sweet to me and your dad and please don't grow up too quickly.  

Love you so much,

To celebrate your half birthday today - I got you a cupcake.

As a comparison, here's a picture of you and your cupcake from a year ago.

Here's a picture today.

I know, you don't look very interested in it - I have failed you as a mother.  My takeaway from this experience is that I've grossly underfed you cupcakes this past year.  I promise to work on this for the next twelve months.

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