Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Buttin and I were talking about our brains earlier today. I had already been planning this post, but our discussion prompted tonight's posting.

We were talking about how our brains are sometimes very foggy, forgetful and often dumb. We both have a lot on our minds, but I think Graby takes up a huge portion of our brain power.

I made a pie chart of the thoughts in my brain:

Just for fun, I also did one for what I think Graby thinks about:

Graby wants to put everything in his mouth. In fact, his swing now frustrates him because he can touch the little stuffed toy thingies, but he cannot eat them.

Here's a picture of him in the swing today (also, just for fun I included a picture of Graby at two weeks old in his swing - if you can't tell which is which, your brain is worse off than mine).

Here is another picture of Graby today - he's trying to reach for the camera lens and eat it!

1 comment:

  1. Two points:

    1 - What was your brain composition pre-baby?

    2 - I don't think Cash's percentage will change that much in regards to boobs, post-puberty (assuming he's hetero of course...)
