Thursday, October 14, 2010

What I Think About When I'm Not Sleeping

The past three nights I've been wide awake between the hours of 2 - 4:30 AM.

One of the nights, Graby slept through the night - another night he woke up for 15 minutes to eat and went right back to sleep and last night he woke up and stayed awake for about 45 minutes. The point is, I can't blame my wide awakeness (it's a word, I'm sure) on Graby.

For as long as I can remember, when I can't sleep (and my mind isn't going crazy stressing about something) I lay in bed and try to replay good memories in my head until I fall back asleep (that or I watch TV).

When I was young (like pre-teen) I would lay awake thinking about swimming, especially about a good race. As I got older, I would think about boys (just one at a time) and replay dates or first kisses while trying to get back to sleep. Before Cub, I would lay awake and replay my wedding day or sometimes I would even think about running.

Since Cub was born, if I can't sleep, I actually replay the memories I have of his birthday. This might be somewhat surprising to people, but I actually love thinking about the night he was born. I love my memories of that day/night.

Now, here's the daily picture of Graby. I like to imagine that one day he'll tell his grand kids, when I was little we were so poor I had to play with old milk cartons.

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