Sunday, April 1, 2012

Adjusting To The Heat (again)

I went for my long run this morning (normally it's Saturday) because Cub and Buttin were still recovering yesterday morning.  I only went 12 miles, but it was a really difficult 12 miles.  It was warm and humid and I looked like a drowned rat when I got home.  I think it's that time of year again when my body has to adjust to the heat and humidity.  It was just a couple of weeks ago that I was running in long sleeves and now a tank-top and shorts are too much.  Hopefully, I will be acclimatized by June. 

This afternoon we had Hannah come over to play with Cub while we went to the plant store and bought plants.  This was the first time in our lives we have ever purchased and planted green stuff for the ground.  It was hot (ever more so this afternoon), but we accomplished something and our yard looks a little better for it.  

Here's Cub on the swing this morning.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you keep his beautiful, wild hair long. Good for you for running 12. It was 89 degrees and so humid here on Saturday. The San Diego wimp that I am did not even do my long run because I had to do it in the afternoon, and there was just no way that was I feel like a loser. And a hoser :)
