Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Quick Run

Graby is teething.

Teething Graby = Not sleeping Graby

Non-sleeping Graby = Non-sleeping Me (and Buttin too)

Non-sleeping Me = Non-running Me

Non-running Me = Feeling-sorry-for-me Me

So I haven't run since Friday morning. I was starting to feel a little sorry for myself, but then I was reminded of this and I decided that feeling sorry for myself wasn't such a good idea. Buttin had a better idea. He came home a little early from work today and I went for a little run.

It was only a short little 2 miler, but it's amazing what just a little running does for my soul.

This afternoon, I had to take Graby to the doctor to get his flu booster shot. While we were in the waiting room he was climbing all over everything. Right now, he only wants to stand. He still can't gracefully get from sitting to his stomach, but he has master several yoga poses in his attempts. (By the way, he was a real champ when he got his shot - just a little squishy face, but no tears.)

Also, since one Cub picture is never enough, here's another one - wearing his little winter hat.

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