Saturday, May 21, 2011

I Got Lost

This morning was supposed to be my first run with my marathon training group.  I failed.  

I couldn't find the location where we were supposed to meet.  I looked it up when I got home - turns out it's location in a HUGE shopping center.  Oh well.

I did end up running - I went to a trail that I love and where I did most of my first marathon training.  It was a sweaty, gross six miles but at least I ran.

In other news today - Cash had his first play date with a friend from school, Fischer.  They only played for about an hour, but it's so much fun to watch them interact.  When we walked up to Fischer's front door, both of the boys just beamed at each other.  It was pretty cute.

Here's a picture of Cub chasing Peenie today.  He's really getting good at this walking thing and can do it pretty quickly when he wants.

1 comment:

  1. So, if he is walking it's time for a haircut. When is that going to happen?
