Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Walk With Mouser

Story originally written on Thursday (but Blogger was down). 

My Walk With Mouser
by Cash Naylor

Today, I was having a grumpy afternoon.

My mommy, in all her wisdom told me I should go blow off some steam.  I decided to go outside for a walk with my dog-like cat, Mouser.

Mouser decided to fall behind and check out some birds.

But then he caught up (yeah!).  Side note: see the silver truck way in the back of the picture - that's where I live - I walked a long way (with the help of my rocket).

Next we decided to take a little break in our friend Archer's front yard.  He has acorns to play with and I love to eat acorns, much to the dismay of my mom.

We found something in Archer's front yard that looked like a brownie.  I don't eat brownies (or anything else, really), but my mom and Mormor LOVE brownies.

Whatever it was, it sure didn't taste very good.

After that yucky experience, I decided it was time to go back home. Mouser, where are you?

I found Mouser and we headed back home.

On our way back home, I found a very interesting truck.  Look mom, my reflection!

Mouser thought the truck was pretty interesting too.

Mouser led the way back home.  See, there's the silver truck again but now it's much, much closer.  

All the lazy kitties were waiting for us in the driveway.  Mouser is in the bottom right hand corner of the picture, Scratch and Peenie (the one sleeping in a lego box) are the lazy ones.  

Next, Mouser and I decided to play blocks.  I also hit him with a stick.  

After all that fun and excitement - Mouser and I decided to take a nap.  I only tried to bite him a couple of times.

I love Mouser.  He is the best kitty-cat ever.

The End.

1 comment:

  1. We also have deer poop so watch out! Much to Violet's dismay the deers ate all the strawberries. Next time I hope Archer can join in on the street walker-ing.
