Friday, February 18, 2011

Filanthropy Friday

I must sound like a broken (cheesy) record, but everyday in every way I am thankful for my son's health.

My heart aches for any mother whose child is in distress. I'm not unique, I think the feeling is pretty universal for all mothers.

Last Friday, while I was looking at the Austin Apartment Association website (remember, I did a lovely "dance" last week at an event for this association) - something immediately caught my attention - "Infant son of AAA member - needs your help." I clicked on the link. My heart broke. I know it might sound strange, but it's possible that I feel even more for this fellow mother because she has a son.

I do not know this mother, but I felt instantly compelled to help. I started making phone calls and on Monday I reached some of her co-workers who were organizing a benefit and taking donations.

For me, this is what is why community is so important. It's not just about giving money - it's about support (prayer, positive feelings - whatever you believe) and taking a few minutes out of a very hectic week to be thankful for the good things in my life and reaching out to someone in need.

I donated $100 to Baby Brady & his family this week. This amount is over my weekly budget, but it's my blog so I'm allowed to break my rules.

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