Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I love Tuesdays.

Tuesdays aren't Mondays (I know,I'm a genius).
44 Tuesdays ago, I met Graby. Every subsequent Tuesday, I've thought about what was happened at 1:52 AM on that particular Tuesday.
Tuesdays mean a Law & Order SVU marathon on USA Network.
Tuesdays are only two days away from Thursday, date night (stay at home) with Buttin.

Graby likes Tuesdays too.

Here's a little picture of him from today.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on not posting a photo of Cash with a bow or barrette in his hair. Also I am so proud that there is no garbage in this picture. Nice work. If this were the only one of your blog posts I had ever read I would think you were a totally normal person. Sadly for you I know the real truth and I am not afraid to share it with everyone on the interwebs.

    Thank you and have a good night.


    PS: Prepare to receive a truckload of sparkly pebbles tomorrow afternoon. If you aren't home I will have the dump truck leave them on your lawn. Magic bean will be planted in the back yard.
