Saturday, June 25, 2011

Ewe and Ick


My run this morning was dis-gus-ting.  I ran 13.7 slow, sweaty miles (12:23/mile).  We had some clouds this morning (and I even felt a little sprinkle), but with the clouds came an extra special amount of humidity.  My fabulous new lululemon shorts, which were practically dry after last week's 12-miler, were SOAKED after today's run. 


At Cub's school, they offer the potty chair to him during every diaper change.  We haven't been as consistent at home, but today he made the "sssssssss" noise (his teachers make this noise when they put him on the potty chair) and started trying to get into his potty chair.  Buttin took off Cub's diaper and put him on the potty chair.  We made the "ssssssss" noise, but nothing came.  We let him sit there for a couple minutes and then Buttin took him out of the potty chair.  Can you guess what happened next?  About five seconds later (before we had a chance to get the diaper back on) little Cub pooped and peed all over Buttin's shorts.  

That wasn't really a fun game for Buttin, but he and Cub did play a ton of fun games today.  Here they are playing (Cub likes to squeeze himself into tiny spaces, like the little shelves we have in the kitchen) this afternoon:

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