Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Time Trial Bust

This morning our running group was supposed to do a two mile time trial.  In theory, my two mile time should predict my marathon time or what should be my marathon goal pace.  I already know my goal pace - turtle.

There was a bunch of construction going on around the track and there was a small area (maybe five feet long by the entire width of the track) of sand on the track, about six inches deep.  I would have just run AROUND the sand pile, but I guess the fast runners were concerned about the extra time it would take - so our time trial was postponed until next week. 

Instead we did a five mile easy run and I came in absolute last.  My semi-turtle friend wasn't there today and my other running friend decided to go "faster" and she kept up with the fast pack!  We probably can't be friends anymore. 

In Graby news - he has this new thing that he likes to do - lick the soy sauce container.  I'm so proud.

Buttin has a slight addition to soy sauce, so we buy it by the gallon.  We keep the jug-o-soy on the bottom shelf in our fridge.  Cub has learned how to flip open the lid and now licks the soy sauce residue that's on the lid.  I think he likes the salt. 

Here he is, preparing to attack the soy sauce. 

1 comment:

  1. hahaha! Thank you for the morning laugh :) He is sooo precious and hilarious. I feel like I am running more miles yet getting slower with each passing day. Started back on protein shake in an attempt to trade more beer calories for actual nutrition...Wishing you all some cool morning breezes!
