Monday, December 21, 2009

Cookie Day!

Today was Christmas Cookie Day with my mom and Bubie (or as one of our friends Ollie likes to call her, Boobie).

This is typically an annual day-long baking event where my mom, Bubie and I make a huge mess. We also make more cookies than our family could possibly eat in six months.

As recently as a few years ago we used to make all the cookie dough from scratch, but now we use a combination of store and school fundraiser bought dough. Here is me modeling with the cookie dough:

The only type of cookie where store bought cookie dough is not acceptable is SUPER DOPER. So, my mom and Bubie made that dough yesterday.

We make the following kinds of cookies - sugar, gingerbread, peanut butter blossoms, super dopers (chocolatey with nuts) and chocolate chip. We also made two kinds of fudge (chocolate and peanut butter) and a batch of blueberry kolaches.

Here's evidence of all our work:

Bubie's primary job this year was decorating (gingerbread and sugar cookies) - she needs a lot of supervision (she beheads the gingermen just so that she can eat them), but she's a hard worker.

My mom's primary job was rolling out the dough. As you can see, she too need supervision and had to be helped with the flour.

My primary job was quality assurance. I took my job very seriously and sampled all the cookie dough as well as the finished cookie products. We did an excellent job with the exception of a couple of peanut butter blossoms, someone (ahem . . . mom) left little pieces of the Hershey Kiss foil wrapper in the candy dish - so some of the cookies are flecked with foil.

This minor mishap aside, we had a very successful cookie making day. Can't wait till next year when Lumpy can help and by help I mean take a nap while I eat cookie dough.


  1. What? You didn't videotape any of this?

  2. Liz, of course she didn't videotape the cookie festival and thank your lucky stars. Reread Fetus Friday-25 week. There would be a chance of getting flour (or worse, cookie dough) in all her chin hairs. I may be alone with this way of thinking, but I'd rather not see a video of a pregnant woman with a scraggly beard with flecks of chocolate chips hanging like tinsel on a Christmas tree.

  3. Wow, that's a lot of cookies! Feel free to ship some my way, lol! Just kidding...they do look very yummy though!

  4. I thought you were bringing some to the office! Did you already eat them????
    It's very impolite not to share with your coworkers (and when I say coworkers I really mean just me!).
