Friday, March 23, 2012

Filanthropy Friday

The Hunger Games starts today!  I'm taking the girl misfits to see it today at lunch.  

The connection between The Hunger Games and this week's Filanthropy Friday beneficiary (a suggestion from Liz) is somewhat tenuous - but I'm going to try to make it work.

In The Hunger Games, the 24 participants/tributes are stalked by cameras in a winner-gets-to-live teenage death match.   As horrible as this fictitious reality-tv program sounds (here comes the link), the threats to civilians in the Sudan are much worse (and are real).  

The Satellite Sentinel Project was co-founded by George Clooney (one of Buttin's man crushes and an actor - so there's another pseudo link).   Mr. Clooney got the idea for the project while on a trip to the south Sudan in 2010.  He thought (and I'm paraphrasing) - what if we could follow the bad men and document their organization - then we could send out fast responses to potential threats to people.   George Clooney calls it the "anti-genocide paparazzi". 

This satellite tracking, analyzing and mobilizing program sounds like something that "The Capitol" (from The Hunger Games) would do, but in this situation it's for good - especially since George Clooney is doing it.

This week I donated $25 to the Satellite Sentinel Project. 

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