Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mostly Wordless Wednesday

First  - a little background.

Buttin makes me laugh.  He's a great writer and very clever.  

Whenever one of us is with Cub and the other is away (like when I was at a meeting today), the one with Cub sends pictures and captions to the other.  We try to take pictures and come up with (somewhat) clever captions.

Second - a little more background.

A little over a week ago - we had Puppy vs. Cats - Round 1.  Buttin declared the cats - WINNERS.  Last night, Buttin was gone and Cub was in bed so I decided to let Riggs and Scratch inside together.  They fought and then Scratch ran way.  I declared Riggs the WINNER, but spoke too soon.

This morning I dropped Riggs off at doggie daycare.  They called  (I'm used to getting calls from Cub's school, but not from Riggs' school) about an hour later and told me that Riggs had a scratch on his upper leg that was starting to swell.  They told me they would clean the wound and then let Riggs play, but that we should plan to take him to the vet tomorrow.  They called back at 2:00 this afternoon - he had a temperature, was limping and lethargic so they were going to take him to the vet next door.  

Buttin picked Cub up from school and then Riggs up from the vet (Riggs is on antibiotics).  He had to carry Riggs from the truck and into the house because Riggs couldn't walk very well.  

Slightly long story short, here was the picture Buttin sent to me along with the caption:

Eat This Fishey.  It Will Help. 

The picture and caption made my heart happy. 

Here's another picture of Cub (taken by Buttin) - he's feeling much better.

1 comment:

  1. Love the first picture. I think its bizarre that a 15 pound cat could inflict that much damage on a 100 pound dog. Do you think Scratch has been dipping his claws in poison? We caught Nigel doing that one time and we had to give him a child as a human sacrifice to get him to stop trying to claw us with his little poison dagger-claws. Fortunately the child was one I had seen wandering around the neighborhood on Halloween stomping on flower beds so I figure it was a public service to let Nigel have him. You should try the same trick with Scratch. Riggs will thank you.

    Your welcome.

    Best-friend-ever (aka: Empress Liz)
