Thursday, March 29, 2012


This morning I went out to my car (parked in my driveway)  to find a messy-mess in my front seat and no purse!  

My purse had been stolen and the perpetrator (perp or unsub, for short) left a big mess (which is saying a lot because my car isn't super clean).  

I did leave my car unlocked which probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, but I thought it would be OK in my driveway.  

The perp decided to dump all of the stuff inside my purse onto my front seat. They even went so far as to pull out all my credit cards, drivers license and check book and leave it in my car.  The only things they took were my crappy, old Banana Republic outlet purse and the wallet (with maybe $14 in crumpled up one dollar bills) I've had for over ten years.  I guess it's time to get a new purse and wallet - and maybe start bringing them inside with me every night and also maybe start locking my car doors. 

As retribution Cub decided to steal a basketball from our neighbors yard - here he is not looking guilty. 

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