Tuesday, June 15, 2010

One Busy Day

Things have been very busy lately.

Buttin and I don't get to see much of each other and we rarely (if ever) get the opportunity to see a movie together. If you know us, you know that we love movies and they're important to us.

Our favorite theater is the Alamo Drafthouse and pre-baby Graby you could find us there on any given Friday night with our friends, Liz and Jonathan. Alamo has this cool thing for parents called "baby day" where the first afternoon show of every movie on Tuesday is for parents with small children (they get in free). They keep the lights on a little higher and the sound a little lower and you don't have to worry about inconveniencing other people because you have a crying baby.

So -today was our first movie out as a family. Cash's first movie in the theater was R-rated, aren't we good parents?

Here he is with Buttin:

Cash slept during most of movie and was a very good baby. There were several other parents of tiny infants in attendance - I think the smallest was a month old. Ahh . . .I remember when Cash was only a month old.

As if that wasn't enough excitement for one day (we also went to work in the morning), Cash and I went out to dinner with my friend Suzin and her two children.

Her daughter Taylor was so sweet with Cash. She held him for about 10 minutes and when he would fuss she would pull him closer and pat him on the tummy. She's better with Cash than many adults. She also left me a message after dinner talking about all the things she has waiting for Cash at her house for when she gets to babysit him. Such a sweetheart.

Here they are:

We got home around 6:30 and Cash was exhausted. Tomorrow should be more relaxing. MorMor is coming into town so Cash will have every single one of his wants met, instantly.

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