Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dear Cash - 3 Months

Dear baby Cash,

You're father and I are so incredibly lucky to have you as our son. You are very easy to please and you love to smile (and you laugh now too).

Sometimes, when you're being a little stinker (like at 1 AM) and fussing in your bed - I go to see you and you give me the biggest grin. I like to pretend you're thinking, "Hi, Mom - Gotcha!"

This month, we took a few steps forward and a couple steps backwards regarding sleep. However, there is no amount of sleep that can compete with your big grin (even at 1 AM) - if you knew your mommy before you were born, you would understand what this statement means.

We had a couple of nights where you slept from 7 PM - 3 AM and then a few other night where you woke up every 90 minutes. Even when you wake up frequently, you don't stay awake very long and you are very easily soothed. We tried the half swaddle and then quickly return to the full swaddle (I think you wacked yourself in the head too many times with your hands - you must have my coordination skills).

This month you've really discovered your hands. You can stare at them for a good 45 minutes without interruption. It looks like you're concentrating so hard to bring them to your mouth. You also love to suck on your fists.

Your MorMor came to visit you this month. Whenever MorMor comes to visit she always discovers something new - this month she discovered that you will take a nap (on your tummy) on the Boppy pillow, that the guest bed makes for a very good bouncy seat and that you like brightly colored TV shows.

This month you also had your first shots. These killed me and I'm very grateful we have no shots this month. I never want you to hurt, cry or be upset - EVER. I know this is impossible (I have so many shots, scrapes and bumps to go), but my heart aches when you make that little scrunchy face (even if it is very rare).

You and I also had our first night without your Daddy. We missed him and sent him your screenplay, but you were the best baby and besides missing daddy, we had no issues. You had loads of other firsts this month too - first swim, first trip to Target, first tattoo and first movie to name a few.

Cash - we enjoy playing with you so much and are so thankful for your health & happiness.

Please be sweet to your dad and me and please don't grow up to quickly.

Love you so much,
your Mom

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