Friday, July 30, 2010

End Of The Week

Thankfully it's Friday evening and Graby asleep (for now) in his bed.

It's been a long week - a stressful week, but overall a pretty good week (with the exception of Graby and Buttin being sick).

Graby had a good week at school. He's made the transition very well and I have too. It seems like right when Graby started school we got REALLY busy at work. It was good timing.

My favorite part of the day is picking up Graby from school. Most of the time, he's asleep when I arrive, but I just sit by his little bed, play with some of the other little kids (they're all boys) in his room and talk to his teachers.

Today one of his teachers recommended that we bring Graby into a steamy shower. Here's the picture of Graby in the shower that Buttin let me post.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lots of Family

The past couple days we've had family in town (well really, my Aunt has had our family in town and I just go visit).

This is the first time that B-Ma and Papa have gotten to meet Cash. Right now I'm a little tired from the busy work week so this little picture will have to do.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I'm feeling tired. It has actually taken some adjustment to working an uninterrupted half-day. I know that probably sounds silly, but it's the only thing I can think of to explain my general fatigue.

Graby decided to sleep a little differently last night and as a result I think I got more sleep, but I still feel tired. He was down around 7:30, but woke up a couple of times until he was finally down for the count at 8:00. He woke up about 15 times between 11 - 11:30, but I just patted his back to sleep and he slept until 4:00 (whoppee). At 4:00, he kind of wanted to play. He ate a little, we chatted on the couch a little, then he ate a little more and went back to bed at 5:00 where he slept till 7:30!

Not sure what magic combination of things we did last night to get Graby to sleep more, but I kind of feel like an athlete with "lucky socks" or a special routine. Whenever Graby has a good night's sleep I try to duplicate as many of the things we did as possible the next few nights. We'll see how it goes.

Now here's a little picture of a chubby Graby. To me, it looks like he just ate a big meal.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

One Year Ago Today

One year ago today, we found out I was pregnant with Graby (at that time, Lumpy).

Our lives have changed so much during the last year. As cheesy as it may sound, my heart is forced to grow on a daily basis because of our son. He is everything that is good (except for maybe all this snot) about Buttin and me and I don't think I fully appreciated life until I met him.

How could you not love this sweet, chubby, slobbery hunk of love?

Monday, July 26, 2010

Doctor Visit

Graby has a cold.

He's had it for over a week, so it was time to go see Dr. Sharpie just to make sure it hasn't turned into a secondary infection.

He's been in a good mood (except for when I use the bulb thingy to suck the snot out of his nose) so I knew it couldn't be too bad, but I just wanted to be careful

Guess what Dr. Sharpie said? Graby has a cold. What a shocker.

She said that sometimes it can take up to three weeks for a cold to run its course and we're doing everything that we can do (suck snot, humidifier and lots of kisses). Dr. Sharpie also said that he looked like a very happy kid and that he was pretty freaking cute.

Cash is now 15 lbs, 6 oz. He was 12 lbs, 13 oz at his 2 month appointment. He's my little chunky Graby!

In other news, it must be a VERY well known fact that I LOVE the Nap Nanny because I got five emails and one phone call from friends and family regarding the recall. In all honesty, I couldn't read the article - I have to avoid anything relating to infant death. We haven't really used the Nap Nanny for sleeping in quite sometime, but it saddens me to think about a family's loss involving a product I love so much. I'm learning (rather quickly) that just about everything is hazardous to children. As a parent, I just be as careful as possible.

OK, there's no easy way to transition out of that unhappiness so I'll just post this cute little picture of Graby & Cartman. It was the first time that Cash really seemed to notice Cartman.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Happy Christmas In July

Yup - that's right, only 5 more months till Christmas.

This morning on the Cartoon Network - they're playing Christmas cartoons. I'm quite sure Cash loves them. I'm looking forward to Graby's first Christmas, but I can wait.

I had an OK run this morning. (This next part isn't quite appropriate for a post about Christmas, so consider yourself warned.) However, my body hasn't quite gotten back into the routine of going to bathroom BEFORE the run (no matter how hard I try). As a result, I left a little gift by some new home construction site. Oh well.

Now, here's a cute little picture of Graby and Buttin:

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Quick One

Just a quick little picture on this Saturday night.

Graby at bath time with his new tattoo.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Don't Judge Me

OK, here are a few photos from the last couple of days demonstrating my horribleness as a mother.

Letting him watch TV . . . I love the TV.

Letting him play with a plastic bag . . . Isn't there supposed to be something IN the bag?

Watching him fall over and taking pictures instead of helping him back up.

Starting out sitting up . . .

Going . . .

Going . . .

Gone . . . but it's so funny.

Taking so many pictures . . . Please, no more mom.

But look, here I made him start reading. Clearly, this is a scary part of the book.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Oh Happy Dance!

Time for a little SBOS (Small Business Owner Story).

A couple of years ago, Buttin and I decided to buy a small business. About a year and a half ago, I decided I would play "sales girl" and go out into the world and try to sell some carpet.

I had some success and actually picked up a few really good accounts. Fast forward about six months and some of my very good accounts declared bankruptcy and these accounts had some extremely high unpaid balances. Ouch!

For the past year I've stayed in contact with the attorneys and management company for these accounts and they have always been great about providing me with updates. However, as with most things in our legal system, things were slow to progress. Buttin and I were hopeful that one day we'd receive the funds that were owed to our little business, but we kept our expectations low.

Well, today we received our money! I did a happy dance all around the office. The funny thing (well, to me) is that Buttin usually gets and opens the good mail (i.e. the checks) and leaves all the crappy mail (i.e. the bills, well some of them and junk mail) on my desk. The check was in an envelope that looked like it was a piece of marketing material. You can imagine my surprise when I opened it and a huge check was inside (I was expecting them to send it certified mail or something more official).

Here is Cash doing his Happy Dance - well it's actually more like a sleepy morning grin, but we'll just say he's doing a happy dance on the inside.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

In Running News

I am now consistently running three miles on my two weekday runs (there is nothing consistent about my weekend run, not even the frequency) which I know doesn't sound like much, but it's a milestone for me.

Also noteworthy about the three miles, I don't feel so drained by the heat and humidity as I did four weeks ago. I think my body is starting (slowly) to adjust. This is a relief because I honestly didn't know that I would ever get here (even though HERE is not very far yet).

No picture of the Graby today - I honestly didn't have a chance. We had a tiny meltdown on the way home from school, so we made a pit stop at work (for a snack and a nap). When I got Graby's report card from school he had only taken one 15 minute nap all morning!! Needless to say, he was earning his Graby nickname.

When I finally brought Graby home all he wanted to do was eat and sleep (plus he still had a stuffy nose). Buttin came home a little early (Graby was still sleeping) so that I could go to an apartment association meeting and by the time I got back home, it was bath time. I promise pictures tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Late Blog Posts

Dear Blog Reader,

I apologize - I know that my blog posts are being posted later and later in the evening.

There was a time (a long, long time ago) when I would write my blog posts in the morning, but now it seems like my only real free time is in the evenings after the Graby goes to bed. Recently, the Graby doesn't seem to want to go to bed.

Actually, the Graby has no problem falling asleep - it's staying asleep that's a problem.

He can't seem to decide what he wants - swaddle, no swaddle, half swaddle, on the back, on the tummy, incline, no incline, nap nanny or no nap nanny. We honestly change his sleeping attire and position about 15 times a night.

It's difficult to know whether we're doing everything wrong or everything right (regarding the Graby and sleeping). All we have are our instincts and mine cannot let him cry alone. I'm hoping this is just a phase (maybe something to do with starting daycare) and that he will go back to his normal (or better) sleeping schedule soon.

Now that I have SOME (very small amount) of free time in the morning while Graby is at school, I'm hoping to be able to start my blog posts (and finish others) while at work.

Speaking of Graby - here he is complete with drool soaked chin and kissy face:

Yours truly,

Monday, July 19, 2010

The First Cold

Little Graby caught his first cold - just the sniffles (with copious amounts of snot) and a shallow cough.

Even sick, I still manage to get smiles like this - he's such a good kid.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Thirty Second Movie Review - Inception


Buttin and I went on a movie date (Gigi was in town). This movie is a visual feast (much more stunning than Avatar) with an incredibly smart script. I was in awe and on the edge of my seat during most of the film and there were a couple times of spontaneous clapping from the audience - it was just that good!

On a side note, I saw the new Harry Potter preview and embarrassed Buttin by clapping and screaming during the preview. What can I say? I don't get out much anymore AND IT WAS HARRY POTTER!!!

Thirty Second Movie Review - Despicable Me

Despicable Me

Another movie for the family. Two of the mommies (and their sons) from my group were also at the movie. I LOVED THIS MOVIE! It's not quite as good as Toy Story 3, but it's very close. I almost cried during this movie, almost.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Transition - Day Four

The last transition day.

Today, the plan was to drop Graby off and pick him up at the same times we will do going forward (8:30 AM/1:00 PM). My dear MIL (the Gigi) is in town so she went with me to drop him off at school

I've come to realize that I'm OK so long as I drop him off real quick and never give him a chance to cry (not that he cries when I leave him, but I don't want to see him upset for any reason). Well Gigi wanted to play with him outside - I had to grab her by the shirt to pull her out the door. The longer I stay with him, the worse I feel (even though I didn't feel bad at all this morning) about leaving him.

At work it felt VERY weird. I was only there half a day, but I had all this time. I actually read stuff on the interweb! I still kept my phone right next to me on the desk.

When I went to pick him up . . .shocker . . .he was asleep! He was working on his second nap of the day. I spoke briefly to the lead teacher and she said that he was adjusting really well and that the only thing that really bothered him was hearing the other babies cry (like mother, like son). She said this is an adjustment for most children and had actually warned me about it on transition day one. Also while at school, Graby ate 5.5 oz of milk (3 oz at one time and 2.5 at another). I learned of this from his daily "report card" that I get from school. I wonder how many of these little pieces of paper I'll keep . . .

When we got home little man was very tired and very cuddly. I didn't mind one bit. Looking back, I think the two of us did pretty well during our transition week. I know that like most other things parenting related - it'll probably be a few steps forward, a couple steps back and I'll be patient with myself and with Graby while we both get used to this new schedule.

Here's a cute picture of little man sleeping (speaking of which, he now prefers the tummy and slept that way last night)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Transition - Day Three

Today the plan was to drop Cash off around 8:30 and have him stay (by himself) until 11:00.

Cash had a not so good night last night and he did not take a nap this morning. My only thought was that he was going to have an awful time at school because he was so tired.

He (of course) fell asleep in the car on the way to school. I brought him in (still in his car seat asleep) to school and stayed with him till he woke up. After he woke up, I handed him off to one of the sweet teachers and said good-bye.

I told the teachers that the could call me at ANYTIME and that if he was crying inconsolably for longer than five minutes - I MUST BE CALLED. They were incredibly sweet, but I'm sure they were thinking - yeah, yeah, yeah, crazy mom who can't let go. They do understand that this transition is more difficult for me than it is for sweet baby Cash.

Well, I still hadn't done our school paperwork so my plan was to come back around 10:30 to do the paperwork and take him back to work around 11.

The 1.5 hours at work was strange . . . I kept watching my phone and the clock -tick tock tick tock.

I drove up to the school exactly at 10:30. Thankfully, there was no screaming Graby on the playground (whoppee). I hurried it up to the front door and walked to the window of his classroom. I looked in (the room was dark) and HE WAS ASLEEP ON HIS BED!! Oh, sweet relief - I could not have been more proud than if he had solved the whole BP oil spill debacle. He had also eaten 2.5 oz of milk (he had previously been on a bottle strike) before taking his nap. He slept till 11:15 (I actually had finished my paperwork and everything).

Tomorrow is our last transition day - he goes from 8:30 - 1:00 (what will be his full day). I feel like I did a lot better today and I'm hopeful I'll do well again tomorrow.

Now, here's a cute little video of Graby & Molly:

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Transition - Day Two

Today was Cash's turn to cry.

I got to the daycare around 8:20 - the plan was to stay about 10 minutes and then leave him there for an hour - by himself!

When I arrived they informed me that the power was out (something had melted - not in the school, but on something that controls the power going to the school) and if they couldn't get it back on the school would close at 10 AM. Thankfully for us - we would be long out of there before 10 AM. I was originally planning to fill out some paperwork (thereby only technically leaving the room, not the actual premises), but since the power was out they were busy dealing with that issue and they just told me to leave for 45 or so minutes.

Honestly, the drop off was better than I had expected. I handed him off to a very sweet teacher and met the mother of one of the other little boys in his class. I ran to a bakery (to pick up some goodies for my mom's group) and to work for about 10 minutes and then headed back to Cash's school.

I thought for sure Cash would be fine - he loves being held and loves the breeze (and thankfully there was a nice breeze outside since there was no AC inside). As soon as I drove up I saw the same teacher holding him while he was wailing. It wasn't his normal little cry (that I rarely hear), it was red-turning, breath-holding, tear-crying wailing! I pretty much ran (sprinted, not jogged) into school and grabbed him away from the teacher (vaccine-style). She said he had been really good until the last couple of minutes when she could tell he was really getting tired.

He was BREAKING my heart. Usually, I can calm him down by just holding and talking to him. It took me five minutes PLUS the magic power of the boob to get him calm. I couldn't help but feel like I had abandoned him. I know I'm being dramatic, but I just wasn't expecting him to be crying after such a short amount of time. I guess it was a combination of a not so good night last night plus new people, new location and no boobie.

Tomorrow (for Transition - Day Three) the plan is to drop him off at 8:30 and abandon (I mean leave) him there till 11. I really hope he decides to sleep because momma's heart can't take much more.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Transition - Day One

Today was transition DAY ONE at daycare. It was horrible . . . for me. For Cash, it was sensory paradise.

The plan was for Cash and I to go in and hang out with the caregivers and other children in his group for
one hour. That's it - no big deal, I wouldn't even have to leave him.

On the way to school the song "You're Beautiful" started playing on the radio. The song has nothing to do with children, but I started to cry -- thank goodness it wasn't something like "Letting Go". I also got a wonderfully, sweet email message from my friend Kara. She told me that it would be so much easier on him than it was on me and that going to school would be great for him AND ME. I received a similar email from my dear mother-in-law last night.

Cash and I arrived at school at 8:30 (I wiped my tears and pulled it together). We spent about 20 minutes with the head-teacher of his group. She's very hippyish and incredibly nurturing. She played with Cash and said to him, "you must have had a really good birth." I told her that having him was a very good birth experience and she said she could tell - I have no idea how, but I think it has something to do with magic.

Next we met the other two caregivers and the other children in his group. There are seven children total in his group and three teachers. We hung out with the group for about 40 minutes. Cash was tired, but he just looked around and took in all the new scenery.

I brought a camera and meant to take pictures, but I was having a little trouble working on NOT crying so I didn't take any.

At 9:30 we promptly left and told everyone we'd see them tomorrow. As soon as my feet hit the parking lot pavement I started to cry. Poor Cash - all he wanted to do was sleep, but I didn't want to put him in his car seat.

I drove the 2 minute trip to work and I couldn't wait to see Buttin. I pulled it together (again). As soon as I got Cash out of the car and walked in the building I saw Buttin walking out. I was fine until he asked me - what's wrong? - then I started crying. I couldn't go into work - I was a mess. Buttin and I had already planned to go see a movie so I just decided to drive around and get to the movie early.

I can't really explain why I was so tearful. I really expected to be so much more practical as a mom. I know that school will be wonderful for Cash and I know I'll enjoy the time we have together even more now (something else my friend Kara mentioned).

The thing that made me most uncomfortable was hearing the other little boys (yup, they're all boys) cry. None of them really cried like full on tears crying, but it just made me a little sad. I know Cash sometimes cries when both Buttin and I are with him, but I just never, ever want him to be upset (if I can help it). I know they'll take excellent care of him and I know I'm only two miles away and I know it's only for a half day -- these are the things I keep repeating to myself.

Tomorrow, for transition DAY TWO I stay with Cash for about ten minutes and then leave him for about an hour. Yikes.

Here are a couple pictures of Cash today:

I've learned that if I let Cash watch some cartoons - he likes tummy time - aren't I a good mother?
I only filled up the pool about an inch today and put Cash on his back and let him flop around - he really seemed to enjoy the freedom of moving around in the water.

Monday, July 12, 2010

In Denial

Cash starts his transition to daycare (thankfully only half days for now) tomorrow.

I don't think it's quite hit me.

Buttin told me last night he didn't expect it to effect him, but it is. Buttin usually spends a good couple of hours with Cash every morning at work (while I try to get some of my work done) and now he won't have that time. Sniff, sniff . . .

Tomorrow Cash and I just go in for an hour and hang out together at the daycare. It shouldn't be too horrible.

Tonight I went through all of Cash's clothes and packed up all the stuff that doesn't fit anymore. So much of it just looks so tiny now. It probably wasn't the best idea to do this the night before he starts going to daycare, but it had to be done.

Here's a little picture of Cash today doing tummy/fist time.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Few Quick Pictures

We had lots of sunshine today so that meant lots of playing outside and pictures!

Here are some pretty silly ones:

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Back To The Couch

This morning our living room TV was fixed.

Buttin and Cash took their regular positions on the couch about five seconds after the repair guy left.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Camping Out In The Bedroom

The past couple of nights have been like my dream come true - in bed by 7:30 PM!

The bulb on our living room TV is broken so Buttin has been forced to watch TV in our bedroom in the evening. We watch TV together, but for me it's wonderful to be in bed so early.

This afternoon Cash and I decided to camp out (it's as close to camping out as I'll ever get) in the bedroom. I brought all of the toys we usually play with in the living room onto the bed and we just hung played and took naps.

Here he is sitting up (with pillow and Boppy support) doing one of his favorite things - eating his blanket.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I Have An Addiction

I'll admit it.

I'm addicted to taking pictures of Graby.

I have a Shutterfly site so that the grandmas can look at and purchase pictures to their hearts' content. Well, I learned today (while uploading the final pictures for month three) that the maximum number of pictures allowed in one album is 1,000. Yup - that's right I uploaded over 1,000 (1,088 to be exact) pictures of Cash for the time period of June 6 - July 5. And this number is just a subset of all the pictures I've actually taken.

Apparently, even my dad thinks I take too many pictures of his grandson. I called last night and he said, I wasn't expecting you to call, I thought you'd be taking pictures. Everyone's a critic! I'm glad I have all the pictures though and I think he is too.

Today Cash and I were rained in and couldn't go swimming. We still went outside to take a few dozen pictures.

Here's a silly one of Cash & Peenie - I like to think they're a gang - a really tough gang:

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

OK, I Guess One About Running

I'm getting (slowly) back into running. I have gone on a little run/jog for three days of the last three weeks.

This week I read the perfect post for me from a fellow running momma's blog (her blog is actually titled Runner Mama). It talks about base training and how important it is to train your cardiovascular base before working too hard on speed.

I remember when I first started running (about two years ago this month), my running coach emphasized the importance of training in my correct heart rate zone. I was in excellent cardiovascular shape (from aerobics and elliptical machine) at this point and I honestly thought - I swam for 12 years without a heart rate monitor, I think I go this covered. Well, I slowly got wise to the whole zone training and heart rate monitor thingy and I fell in love with my Garmin when I got it last June.

My heart rate monitor really came in handy while I was preggo and I was glad to have it for all my marathon training last year. When I returned to running a few weeks ago, I thought - I'll just ease into it at first. I didn't wear my Garmin or my heart rate monitor because I didn't want to get discouraged. However, after reading the post from Runner Mama I started to remember that IT IS important for me to know my heart rate and to train in my proper zones.

I went out on Tuesday and discovered that while I was going the incredibly slow turtle pace of 12:45 min/mile - my heart rate was 170! While pregnant I could do 11 min/miles and keep my heart rate around 155. I'm trying to look on the bright side of this revelation - I can really only improve and I have a ways to go.

Now . . .onto a picture of Cash - here he is learning to fold laundry - kid has got to earn his keep!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

See, I Told You So

As I knew would happen - I brought out the video camera during Cash's swim (sit) this afternoon.

He mostly just looked at the water while I made a fool of myself.

Dear Cash - 3 Months

Dear baby Cash,

You're father and I are so incredibly lucky to have you as our son. You are very easy to please and you love to smile (and you laugh now too).

Sometimes, when you're being a little stinker (like at 1 AM) and fussing in your bed - I go to see you and you give me the biggest grin. I like to pretend you're thinking, "Hi, Mom - Gotcha!"

This month, we took a few steps forward and a couple steps backwards regarding sleep. However, there is no amount of sleep that can compete with your big grin (even at 1 AM) - if you knew your mommy before you were born, you would understand what this statement means.

We had a couple of nights where you slept from 7 PM - 3 AM and then a few other night where you woke up every 90 minutes. Even when you wake up frequently, you don't stay awake very long and you are very easily soothed. We tried the half swaddle and then quickly return to the full swaddle (I think you wacked yourself in the head too many times with your hands - you must have my coordination skills).

This month you've really discovered your hands. You can stare at them for a good 45 minutes without interruption. It looks like you're concentrating so hard to bring them to your mouth. You also love to suck on your fists.

Your MorMor came to visit you this month. Whenever MorMor comes to visit she always discovers something new - this month she discovered that you will take a nap (on your tummy) on the Boppy pillow, that the guest bed makes for a very good bouncy seat and that you like brightly colored TV shows.

This month you also had your first shots. These killed me and I'm very grateful we have no shots this month. I never want you to hurt, cry or be upset - EVER. I know this is impossible (I have so many shots, scrapes and bumps to go), but my heart aches when you make that little scrunchy face (even if it is very rare).

You and I also had our first night without your Daddy. We missed him and sent him your screenplay, but you were the best baby and besides missing daddy, we had no issues. You had loads of other firsts this month too - first swim, first trip to Target, first tattoo and first movie to name a few.

Cash - we enjoy playing with you so much and are so thankful for your health & happiness.

Please be sweet to your dad and me and please don't grow up to quickly.

Love you so much,
your Mom

Monday, July 5, 2010

Concert Fail, But There's An Upside

Yesterday we were supposed to attend Graby's first concert - Willie Nelson's 4th of July Picnic. We even had a ticket with his name on it.

I blame the concert organizers - parking was over one mile away, they were forcing hundreds of people to take a shuttle (which, I kid you not - was a MINI-VAN) and there's really no shade at the new Backyard (the venue).

When we got there (around 12:30) Buttin and I soon realized this would not be a good adventure for Graby. Buttin confirmed it when he got home around 6:30 last night burned to a crisp (I had put sunscreen on Graby, but was thinking there would be shade).

I dropped off Buttin & friends and headed home.

Now, for the slight upside.

I was driving home on a pretty major road where the stupid speed limit is only 35 mph. I usually go about 45 - 50 mph on this road (as does everyone else).

Well, I got pulled over.

Graby was extremely content - even when we stopped and usually he hates it when we stop. I immediately jumped out of the car and told the police officer that I was hurrying home because my son was upset (nevermind that I hadn't heard a peep out of him). I went to Graby's carseat (where he was being abnormally quiet), pulled him out and he instinctively (like a great little actor) made the pouty face. There were no real tears - but he started to fuss a little. The police man let me go with just a little warning. As soon as I put Graby back in his seat - he was calm and happy again.

So, in the last few months both Molly and Graby have rescued me from tickets. It's good to have kids and animals in the car.

Now, I present - the anatomy of a laugh. This afternoon we went for a little swim (err . . .sit) and Cash-man was full out laughing at the water. It was adorable - wish I had my video camera, but these pictures will have to do.

Starts as a smile . . .

Slightly lean the head back . . .

Open the mouth wide and close the eyes . . .

Complete the laugh by returning to the smiling position . . .

Finish by looking at mom like she's crazy for taking so many pictures . . .

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Another First

This afternoon Cash and I spent time with Aunt Liz & Uncle Jonathan. We had a great time taking naps, watching TV and playing around with the animals.

Cash man got his first tattoo - here he is showing it off with L & J.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Sometimes You Get What You Ask For

My dear Mother-in-Law (the Gigi) sends Cash a new package of clothes every week - this is not an exaggeration - and I love it! I never knew dressing a boy could be so much fun.

A new package arrived yesterday, so today I put Cash in one of his new outfits today. I wrote Gigi this morning to tell her that Cash was looking pretty cute in his new outfit and she asked for pictures. I told her that by this afternoon the new outfit should be coated in a nice layer of slobber and perfect for pictures.

Well, Cash - not wanting to disappointment me (or Gigi) - slobbered (and spit up a little too) just as I put him in his seat and took a picture.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Barbie has been bringing these Toy Story dolls to work the past couple of days and Cash really likes them. He actually like them a little more yesterday, but of course I didn't have my video camera yesterday.

As you'll also see in the video, he gets a pretty big kick out of himself and his hands too.