Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Series Of Random Events

First of all, I know I didn't post anything yesterday. I was feeling a little lazy and honestly I was just day-dreaming about item #1 on my list of random events:

  1. My two hour massage - I think I've mentioned that Buttin and I have a membership to Massage Envy. We haven't been really good about going on a monthly basis (Buttin had 6 hours built up and I had 3 hours). My last massage was less than wonderful; however, I had a feeling that my massage last night was going to be awesome- and - it was. She spent no less than 15 minutes just tickling my back (I didn't know they would do this for you - but apparently all you have to do is ask). This was technically my first prenatal massage, eventually I'll have to lay on my side, but last night I still got to lay on my belly.
  2. Carpet Warehouse is going green - Well, kind of. It might surprise you to know that as a small business (only about 15 employees) - we go through about 500 styrofoam cups in 2 weeks. I don't know where all the cups go, but I know they're doing very bad things in our landfills. I decided (with laughing support from Buttin) that we would give each employee a mug and then bring in some additional "spare" mugs for other people who visit. I brought in all the atrocious mugs we have collected at home (it's amazing what I still have from college days) and wrote "Carpet Warehouse" and some additional little dorky saying, like "You break me, you buy me . . and I cost $6,000". I know it 's a small way to help the planet, but I feel like it's something.
  3. Dogs are better than tears or boobs - It's Wednesday, which means Molly gets to come into work. She sits in the passenger seat of my tiny little Mustang. I was driving on the feeder road when the light turned yellow. I hit the break, but then Molly was flung forward, so I quickly slammed on the accelerator. I made it through the light before it turned completely red, but there was a po-po there and he decided to pull me over. I kindly explained to the officer that I would have absolutely stopped, but my big puppy would have been in perilous danger had I hit the break THAT hard. One look at her and he started cooing and petting her chin - the officer was puddy in her hands. I only got a warning. Thanks Molly! I guess you are slight forgiven for eating cat poo and for being an absolute pain in the butt now that you're actually at work.
  4. 10 Yassos - This morning I had a very nice run (it was a chilly 65). I did 10.33 miles, with 10 Yassos (the point of Yassos is to do 10 in a row and I've been working up to this for about 6 weeks now) - all were around 5:00 minutes (some were as slow as 5:20, but others were a brisk 4:45). I would be ecstatic if I could run a 5:20 marathon on November 15th. I have a feeling all my bathroom breaks will add significantly to my time, but I'm very happy with my training.
  5. Meany on the phone - This morning Barbie and I shared an interesting phone call. Barbie answered the phone and a guy barked, "Tim" - Barbie said, "No, this is Barbie." The guy wanted to speak to one of our Tims (we have three Tim misfits), but she wasn't going to let him get away with a lack of manners. She thought he sounded like a telemarketer or something like that, so she sweetly told the jackass on the phone that Tim was at the other warehouse. The rude guy wanted Barbie to go and get him - I told Barbie not to (she wasn't going to anyway) and she just put him on hold. A couple minutes later she told dipysydoodle that Tim was helping a customer and that he would be a while and would he like to leave a message. He said something rude like, "I know he's there." and demanded to stay on hold. Barbie went to get Tim to make sure that this wasn't an important call (I don't care if this guy needed a kidney, nothing is worth being this rude.) Tim said he had no idea who it was, so Barbie just let the guy stay on hold. I eventually picked up and told the guy that Tim was called away on a delivery. He then told me, "I know he's there, I've been waiting on hold for 10 minutes and now you tell me that he's gone - I know he's there. What kind of Mickey Mouse operation are you running?" I decided not to dignify his rudeness with a response, so I just hung up the phone. Honestly, the nerve of some people.
In other smaller news, we caught another raccoon - I named him Stevie. Molly wanted to play with Stevie, but the feelings were not mutual.

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