Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Run At Work

I've been thinking about this idea a lot lately because of Graby's sporadic sleeping pattern, but it was difficult to do before now because the weather has been too hot to run much later than 6:00 AM.

This morning he woke up at 5:50 AM (after only one tiny feeding session at 12:30 AM) which is too late for me to run after feeding him, but a little too early for me to have run before he woke up (not to mention that I have no idea how to predict his wake up time, so planning a before or after run is difficult). So, I fed the cub, got him ready for school, put on my running clothes and packed him in the car. We got to school just as they were opening (around 7:00)

I got to work around 7:15, pumped and was out the door for a run around 7:35 AM. I just ran around work for about 40 minutes and was back at the office by 8:20. I was only a little sweaty, but who cares most of our misfits are sweatier than me. As long as the weather is good, I will certainly do this again.

It was another BEAUTIFUL day outside so when cub and I got home we played outside for a good hour and half. One of today's new objects was a spatula - it was very popular:

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