Friday, January 21, 2011

Filanthropy Friday

Compared to some, I haven't been blogging THAT long. However, in my year and a half as a running, small business owning, and now momming blogger - I've met some really wonderful people.

The blogging community is vast and diverse with thousands of little sub-communities. I love so many things about bloggers and one thing I really love is their ability to come together and support fellow bloggers in need.

Earlier this week I found out a fellow cloth diaper loving, mommy blogger's daughter, Emily, (she is three years old) was diagnosed with cancer (ganglionueroblastoma). A bunch of other mommy bloggers have gotten together and organized a raffle on her behalf. There are a ton of natural-type companies donating products to be used as raffle prizes. It's fantastic to see people who have never physically met come together and support her and her family.

Every day (hour, minute & second) I am thankful for Cub's health and happiness. Today, I donated $10 to Emily's fund. This donation actually feels more personal than my other Filanthropy Friday donations, and I like knowing exactly who is being helped.

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