Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Weekend Without Buttin

The Graby and I are on our own this weekend.

Buttin and I decided that Graby probably shouldn't make the trip to the panhandle. We got some antibiotics (for a minor ear infection) and a steroid (for croup) from the doctor yesterday (cub's first prescriptions - yes, I kept them) and I think he's on the mend.

Since Graby isn't old enough to stay home by himself (maybe next month) and our pets are too irresponsible to be trusted with a baby - I stayed home too.

Buttin went to the airport this morning and doesn't get home till late tomorrow night. He is really missed.

Little Cub seems to be getting lots better. He ate some solids today - including new stuff, spinach and mac n cheese. Yum.

Today, his favorite thing to do was open all the cabinets in the kitchen:

And pull everything out.

1 comment:

  1. Your little guy is so cute, my nephews do the same thing... open the cupboards and they are entertained for hours!
