Thursday, October 15, 2009

Excitement = Some what Hitler-like Behavior

This is what Buttin told me this morning and it's pretty accurate.

I think I've mentioned before that Buttin calls me the Christmas-Hitler. I tend to be a little controlling about the flow of Christmas and it's only because I want things to go really, really well. I guess my Hitler-like behavior extends to pretty much anything that really excites me (Christmas, our wedding, a movie I'm really want to see, etc.). This includes today's trade show.

I'm sure I've already given Buttin "the look" (which means do exactly what I say when I say it) a couple of times this morning. I know that I need to learn to let go of things and just enjoy the fun things in life (which includes the trade show), but at least I can admit - I'm pretty freaking controlling.

I would like to apologize to all the misfits in advance. I'm sorry if I get a little too bossy today and I've written a little poem for the occasion.

Deal or No Deal Misfits,
I feel sorry for you.
I promise to be better tomorrow;
When the trade show is all through.


  1. I'm really trying to think of a Christmas-like version of "Arbeit macht Freiheit".

    Put it above the door until New Year's

    Does Buttin actually respond to "the Look" yet? Jen found that throwing a shoe along with the look was effective training.

  2. My kids used to call my look the "disapproving look". I think you were pretty good while I was at the office yesterday - not too Hitler-like, just enough to keep them in line. The boys were pretty wound up - I don't think I would have been as calm as you!
