Monday, October 26, 2009

Fat Cat On A Little Box

This is a new song that Buttin loves to sing.

This is also the reason why I didn't sleep from about 3 AM - 4AM.

This lovely box is Cartman's stepping stool to our bed. It's a very old towel placed over a very old box, but it works for Cartman. (Maybe I should ask Santa for a real pet staircase.) Well, lately Scratch (very chubby cat on the box) likes to sleep on the box. This means that whenever Cartman gets out of bed in the middle of the night (which usually means something is getting peed on), he can't get back on the bed. I think he's a little scared of Scratch. Whom I kidding? I'm a little scared of Scratch.

Well last night, Cartman got down sometime around 2:30 AM, but could get back up (because of Scratch). He has started to sleep in the laundry basket when he can't get back on the bed, but since I did most of the laundry - I guess it wasn't very comfortable for him. He then began to scratch and cry on Buttin's side of the bed. Buttin didn't hear him. I had to call him to my side of the bed about 15 times before he finally came over and let me pick him up and put him on the bed.

Meanwhile, the rain and thunder started and Molly began to cry in her bedroom. This makes Cartman bark (even though he's safely on the bed) and I have to get up and try to get Molly to simmer down (this means me opening her bedroom door and telling her to "shhhh"). By this time, it's 3:30 AM and I'm wide awake. I went out to the couch and fell asleep watching TV. I'm sure Buttin thinks I don't like to be next to him in the early morning hours, but really I just don't want to wake him up with the TV.

It seems like every night for the last couple of weeks we've had some kind of animal issue. Last night, it was the fault of the fat cat on a little box.


  1. When are you going to start utilizing your elbow to let Buttin in on the fun? It works wonders!

  2. Kodi woke the whole house up last night and none of us got much sleep. I dont know why he gets so upset about the rain but he really freaked out. I am SO tired today......
