Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Couple Quick Things

I don't have a profound topic for today (usually my topics are so ground-breaking, Earth-shattering, life-altering - take your pick) so I thought I'd just mention a couple of things.

First of all, there's nothing like a devastating natural disaster to kind of put things into perspective.

All the images from Haiti are so horrifying (and not really very good for me to look at) and they make me feel rather insignificant - but in a good way. I have a great deal to be thankful for and sometimes it's just seeing real people with real problems that kind of slaps me in the face with gratitude.

Secondly (and completely unrelated in anyway to the first thing), I did my first "Deepening Hypnosis" cd last night. I'm supposed to do this cd every other day. I wish our animals would cooperate with my need to be completely still - but they didn't and I had a very unsuccessful hypnosis session. Here's a list of some of the highlights:
  • Minute 2:00 - Scratch starts to dry heave.
  • Minute 3:30 - Scratch vomits (I hear him, but I'm not supposed to open my eyes) next to the table.
  • Minute 4:00 - I give up trying to keep my eyes closed, so I turn on my light switch (it's a hypnosis term) and go clean up the cat vomit.
  • Minute 5:00 - After vomiting Scratch decides his tummy is empty and he needs to go eat, so I hear him munch, munch, munch.
  • Minute 6:00 - Mouser jumps onto my lap and starts attacking my hand, wanting attention. He scratches at my hand, my tummy, my legs - I try to stay perfectly still. Eventually he settles on my legs and falls asleep.
  • Minute 7:30 - Scratch decides (after filling up his belly again) to jump on my lap. At this moment, a small hissing-fight between Scratch and Mouser begins.
  • Minute 8:30 - Fight ends with Scratch jumping to the chair.
  • Minute 9:00 - Mouser, now fully disturbed starts to make bread (that thing cats do where they push their paws into your skin) on my lower abdomen. He tries to be gentle, but he catches skin with his claws every so often. (Keep in mind, I'm supposed to stay perfectly still during my hypnosis).
  • Minute 10:00 - The cats get situated and I'm finally able to start relaxing.
  • Minute 10:30 - Molly starts crying.
  • Minute 11:00 - I turn on my light switch again and tell Molly to be quiet.
  • Minute 11:30 - 30:00 - I try to settle back into relaxation, but it doesn't seem to be working. My ear itches, my back itches and I'm getting really uncomfortable.
Overall, a rather unsuccesfull hypnosis session - but that's why I'm supposed to practice. Next week I learn how to stay hypnotized while being able to move and talk - that should be very helpful, especially when dealing with our animals.

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