Monday, January 25, 2010

Odes To Peanut Butter & Chocolate

Barbie brought me this delicious double-stuffed, king sized Reese's Peanut Butter Heart. It only (hee, hee) has 340 calories, but it has a whopping 8 grams of protein and I've been told by my doula that I need to eat more protein. It'll be difficult to eat it - but I'll do it for Lumpy and for the protein.

In honor of this magnificent occasion, I've decided to write some poems.

A Haiku

Peanut butter yum
Eating it at one time, delicious
Can I wait till lunch?

A Limerick

Chocolate and peanut butter together
In my tummy, they belong forever
I'll eat this king-sized heart
and promise not to fart
Unless the iron in my system gets the better

A Roses Are Red Variation

Roses taste like peanuts
Violets taste like sweets
I love the taste of chocolate
much better than the taste of beets.

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