Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Bubble of Peace Is Green (Buttin's is Blue)

. . . And other things I learned from my first Hypnobabies Birth Class.

Buttin and I started childbirth classes last night. We're taking Hypnobabies (although Buttin refers to it as Hippybabies) childbirth classes every Monday night for the next five weeks. Hypnobabies teaches you most of what you might learn in normal birthing classes (baby positions, nutrition, etc.) PLUS how to hypnotize yourself to manage the pain (actually, they don't use the word pain - instead it's discomfort) of childbirth naturally.

Yes, it is my goal to experience Lumpy's birthday without drugs (insert your chuckles here . . .).

Well, here are a few things that I learned from last night's class:
  • 30 seconds into relaxation, Buttin falls asleep (he's able to deeply relax very quickly);
  • Hypnobabies will work - if Buttin and I can stop giggling;
  • If you are trying to relax, kitties take that as an invitation to jump all over you and Molly will start to cry uncontrollably;
  • There's lots of homework involved in birthing classes - seriously, we have to practice daily;
  • I'm pretty sure that I was able to successfully hypnotize myself;
  • Even though I usually dislike humus (made from icky bean-like chickpeas); if you combine it with enough pita chips - it's not so bad.
My doula is actually the course instructor and we're the only people in this class - so she came to our house (hence why the kitties were jumping and Molly was crying). I take comfort in knowning that even if I flunk the course - she will be there for Lumpy's birth to help Buttin and me.

This morning (on my way to work) I listened to my "Pregnancy Affirmations" cd. This is the only cd that is safe to listen to while in your car (other wise, you might go off the road). I have to admit, that it made me chuckle a little bit.

Here are a few examples of the affirmations and my edits.

CD: "I am eating healthy for my baby."
Me: "I am eating healthy cookie dough for my baby."

CD: "I am enjoying my pre-natal exercise."
Me: "I am enjoying my pre-natal nap-ercise."

CD: "My bubble of peace is always around me."
Me: "My bubble of peace is a little silly."

Speaking of bubble of peace, here is an artists rendering of me in my bubble of peace. My bubble is green with pink bows.

Buttin said his bubble is blue - but who knows, I think he fell asleep during the "Bubble of Peace" relaxation exercise.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe its the green coloring inside your bubble, but you are really starting to show.

