Thursday, August 20, 2009

It's Fun, But It's Poison


Starting today I'm going to try to gossip less. I won't be able to completely cut it out because it is fun, but I realize that it is also poison - especially in a working environment - double especially for our island of misfit toys.

I hope that my example will help our misfits to curb their love of gossip. It is a well known scientific fact that misfits love to gossip. They will (and they read this blog, so I'm being honest) gossip about other misfits' mood, personal life, grooming habits, eating habits, smell, sound, clothing (or lack thereof) - nothing is off limits.

We are a very small office, so things get around quickly. Telling someone to keep something a secret is like code for "go now and tell EVERYONE". It's often frustrating, but it's how our little dysfunctional misfit family works.

My real wish is that misfits would stop spreading rumors and would stop poking at each other with gossip that's been through the telephone game line about sixteen hundred times. It's amazing - what ends up as "Barbie threw up fish tacos and then took a nap on the floor" is really, "Barbie is invoicing".

In (dis)honor of gossip - I've written this little poem (I must say, it's one of my best):

Ode to Gossip

Gossip is bad;
it makes other misfits sad.

Don't be a meanie;
Gossip is for weenies.

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