Monday, August 31, 2009

How Are You Feeling?

This is a common question that I get right now, and I'm always more than happy to answer it.

I'm enjoying all this attention because I know in a few short months all that attention will be focused on someone else (that'll be OK too, I guess).

Right now, I'm feeling really good. No real morning sickness or nausea. My only symptoms are increased appetite, bloating and fatigue (Liz would say this is a permanent state of being for me and not just a symptom of pregnancy).

Actually, I was feeling a little nervous about my lack of symptoms. I visit expectant mother message boards, and this can be a sad place to spend time. I've actually had to stop reading many of the boards because this is typically the time during pregnancy when miscarriages happen. Until I knew there was a heart beat (last week), I was quite nervous that I wasn't throwing up. Well, I've learned that too much information (especially information coming from other naive expectant moms like me) can be dangerous and often wrong.

Buttin and I got to hear the heart beat this morning at our very first doctor's appointment. This was my very first time meeting the doctor (Dr. Barbour - makes me think of Babar the elephant, so that's what I'll call him). I think he (like Buttin) is a strong calm compliment to my often high-strung, control-freak personality. He's very relaxed and gentle (which all women can appreciate).

I already showed my bossy side (which is good that he sees now) when I told him he was wrong about pregnant mothers needing to stay at or below a heart rate of 140 during exercise. I told him to go on the interweb (ACOG) and check it out. Doesn't he know that everything on the internet is true? He was very happy that I was already exercising, so that's a positive. He's also happy that my marathon approach is very relaxed and that if I'm not feeling good - I will not push it.

Aside for hearing Lumpy's heart beat, the visit with Dr. Elephant was relatively uneventful, but then we met with his nurse and that's where things get exciting. We got about a million samples of prenatal vitamins and this packet of information. (Hold on it's getting exciting) On one particular page in this packet, there is a list of dos and don'ts. One of the items on the "don't" list is artificial sweeteners (saccharine), but then right next to it, it says "SPLENDA OK". At that moment, I fell in love with Dr. Elephant.

After we finished up with the nurse, I went and got half of my blood volume drawn for a variety of tests. I should probably get used to all the poking, picking and prodding.

As our reward for an excellent first doctor's appointment, Buttin bought Lumpy & I some fried cheese for breakfast . . .yum.

Our next appointment is September 28th.


  1. How many times do I have to tell you to stay off those pregnancy message boards? If you keep reading those things you will think your kid is never going to make it. There are a lot of crazy people in the world and many of them share their crazy on message boards so please take what you read with a grain of salt.

    Just talk to your mom, grandmother, or Jen if you need information about pregnancy (if you need information on any other topic come to me as I am an expert in my own mind about almost everything - especially bear attacks and diseases you can get from watching shows about them on the discovery channel).

    Maybe I will ask Jonathan if he knows how to block all those message boards from your computers so you will have a happy and crazy-free pregnancy.

    That is all I have to say for now.


  2. Thanks for the props, Liz. What I don't know I can make up and it will still be better than what you'll read on those message boards. At least more reasuring.

    You know, remarkably your mom and Bubie managed to have children without the so called "help" of the internet. All those message boards are good for is birth control and movie script ideas.

  3. Congratulations! You have officially crossed the threshold from free-thinking, post-modern, charred-bra educated a vessel incubating the REAL patient.

    I won't spoil this plot, but the verbiage to describe maternal biological processes is classic.

    Just remember; don't view any discomfort as Matt's fault (YOU DID THIS TO ME!). Rather, be calm that you are now Blessed with Motherhood.
