Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sometimes Dreams Really Do Come True

So the other day, my mother sent me this cute little forward (usually, I don't pay attention to forwards unless they're from foreign prince who wants to send me their money) about this teacher and her first grade class providing the second part of well-known proverbs.

Some of my favorites include (if you can't figure it out, the red words are the ones provided by the first graders):

Strike while the bug is close.
Children should be seen and not spanked or grounded.
A bird in the hand is going to poop on you.

I shared these gems with the office and Barbie decided to take them home to get her seven year old daughter, Cayman, to do the same thing.

Cayman had a lot of good ones, but this one is my favorite:

Happy is the bride who works at Carpet Warehouse.

I ask - have truer words ever been spoken? I think not.

If you pray and wish really hard (and you eat all your vegetables) you too could get to work in an office that has:
  • Cockroaches bigger than a forklift;
  • Ceiling tiles that only fall on you twice a day;
  • Strange pink asbestos looking stuff surrounding you;
  • Sporadic electricity;
  • A semi-working toilet;
  • Dust about 2 inches thick (ahem. . Patty);
  • Various friendly and non-friendly vermin;
  • A roof that may fall down at any moment (it keeps things exciting);
  • Co-workers who sometimes wear deodorant;
  • A fridge that produces large puddles, so that if you put food on the bottom shelf, it gets soggy;
  • Water that you should not drink (for fear of something much worse that Montezuma's revenge); and
  • Some of the most fun, lovable, misfits EVER.
Sometimes fairy tales and wishes and dreams really do come true. Cayman is so right - all you could ever dream of as a bride is to work at Carpet Warehouse.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite was "Never underestimate the power of...Superman"!
