Sunday, August 9, 2009

Marathon Training - Weekly Update: Slow & Slower

This Week: 8/3 - 8/8

Total Miles Completed: 30.42

Average Pace : Very slow (around 12:40 min/mile)

It's strange to think that in one race I will have (hopefully) completed about 4 miles less than what it took me all week to do.

During my long run this week (a little over 12 miles) - I ate some peanut M&Ms without any stomach issues. I still think that I need to eat more during my run, but I made up for when I got home with pasta, bagels and biscuits with Nuetella (I only put Nuetella on the biscuits, not on the pasta).

I also learned a valuable clothing lesson during my long run - MUST NOT WEAR SHORTS DURING LONG RUNS, ONLY SKIRTS. I got a strange running rash in between my butt cheeks - didn't notice it until I got in the shower and my buns started buring. Not pleasant, but it's good that I learn these lessons now and not on November 15th.


  1. Hey Stephanie - thanks for stopping by my blog! I found it hard to connect with other preggo runners, so I'm glad my stories have been helpful for you! I'm just a week away now and obviously not running anymore, but it was the best thing I ever did for both me and the baby I think. I'll definitely be dropping by your blog from now on too!

  2. I believe I will compose a song in honor of your "butt cheek rash". I will serenade you on Thursday.
