Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Doctor Visit

**Originally written 7/28/09** Contains some bodily function information - you've been warned.

I went to my regular doctor this morning for a blood test. I should have the results by tomorrow. I don't like getting my blood taken, but I guess it's something I'll have to get used to pretty quickly. I know it sounds so stupid, but this morning while taking my morning poop - I didn't want to push to hard for fear that Lumpy might come unstuck. Like I said, pretty stupid. However, I did read that constipation can be an early symptom of pregnancy - and that seems like the only one that I'm experiencing thus far. I'm trying to think positive thoughts and to not get stressed about work. I know stress is bad for moms and babies, I read it on the interweb.


  1. LOL!!! He won't come unstuck when you POOP!!!

  2. Barbie is correct. Lumps won't fall out when you poo but, I thought Lumps was a she. :)
