Monday, July 13, 2009

The Final Countdown - HP6

I am a little Harry Potter obsessed.

I always tell Buttin that I want to go to Hogwarts. If they ever build a Harry Potter Hogwarts theme park complete with Quidditch field and talking portraits - I'll be the adult pushing all the kids out of the way. I'm OK with pushing children for the sake of a better place in line.

I actually got Buttin to read the fifth, sixth and seventh books and he enjoyed them. He's going to see the movie with us (not till Friday), but I must say this movie is really for me, Liz and Jen. Our husbands are only going with us as something to do on a Friday night and to watch the three of us grin and stare wide-eyed at the movie screen for two and a half hours. I'm this (imagine a spoonful of cookie dough that I'm almost eating) close to dressing up as a Gryffindor, but I'll probably just go as my regular muggle self (I know, I'm a dork).

(Look - I can be like Perez Hilton and scribble all over pictures too)


  1. I think I am going to dress up like Belatrix LeStrange so that way if I say anything stupid or if I spill anything on myself no one will be surprised. It will also free me up to shriek obscenities if necessary and to not comb my hair. I just need to find a real magic wand.......

  2. Greg and I are trying to figure out how to go see it, whilst juggling a newborn. I think we'll end up going to see it seperately. I had heard they were going to build a Hogwarts type theme park in Orlando! I can't remember whether it was a ride at Universal, or a whole thing.. but I do remember hearing about it. Since I'm so close to Orlando I'll keep ya posted :)

    PS: I'm rereading book 6 right now!

  3. I wonder if I have a babysitter for Friday or if Mark will have to stay home. Not that it matters to me - I'm SO going to be there!
