Monday, July 27, 2009

Peeing On Stuff & Other Ways To Impress Your Boss

Most of the misfits work very hard, so I try to cut them some slack. However, there are somethings that the misfits do that really impress (and by impress, I mean infuriate) me.

Here are some of my recommendations (based upon actual misfit behavior) for how you can impress your boss:
  • Take a nap during the workday - OK, I'm the biggest proponent of nap time you'll ever meet, but if your boss is working - you should be too. Especially if your boss is me, I get jealous. The next time I catch a misfit napping (unless they are sick or got here at 5:00 AM for a truck), I'm going to let all the other misfits color on their face.
  • Disappear - by all means, when you're told to do something (like take Rascal to his new home), disappear and don't tell anyone where you're going.
  • Pee on the only semi-working toilet - seriously, we have one semi-working toilet - when someone (ahem . . . a boy misfit) pees all over it - it's vile.
  • Be disrespectful of each other - I just did an entire post on this topic, but I can't really say it enough - please be nice to other misfits or I put you in time out and let the other misfits throw old food from our fridge at you.
  • Break something and then try to hide it - misfits breaking things is pretty much a daily occurrence, but when they try to hit it, that's what makes me upset. One time a misfit decided to use the side of a van to paint a pole, but didn't tell us. That was a nice surprise.
I'm sure I'll be able to add to this list soon. I'm just waiting for the misfits to show up and do something stupid.

1 comment:

  1. Ugg. Some co-workers... I would put a no-peeing on the bowl sign up in the WR.
