Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Strange Rashes and Stranger Tanlines

This is my first summer really running. I started training for my half marathon last year in August, but I was only doing 3 or 4 miles at that time.

Running in the Texas heat (see above for a graphic representation) with the amount of sweat that I produce, has caused some really strange rashes/rubs on my body and also given me some truly bizarre tan lines.

After any given run, I can usually find 3 - 5 weird hickeyish marks on my body. I can't feel them being created while I run, but holy cow do they sting when I hop in the shower. My body's favorite places to get these lovely marks is on the top of my hip, my middle chest and where my underwear meets my inner thigh (yeochy).

For my long runs, I try to run on trails and protect my skin with sunscreen (I'm also a little paranoid about skin cancer after listening to a pod cast about it), but I still end up with some very funny tan lines. I have an awesome sock tan and my running skirt leaves this very unique semi-wobbly tan line on my upper thigh. I think it's because my running skirt gets so weighed down with my great smelling sweat that it sometimes sticks to my thigh, causing these fabulous tan lines.

In other running news - I had some very strange heart palpitations after this morning's run. I only did about 6 miles, but I did some pretty difficult hills and my heart rate was above 185 for at least 30 minutes. About 10 minutes after getting home, my heart had this really strange flutter - I actually had to lay down (sweat and all) on my bed. If I put my hand on my chest - I could actually see my hand moving up and down. It was very bizarre & did not feel comfortable in the least. It was strange because my heart rate felt very erratic, but I couldn't find my heartbeat in my neck (where I usually count my beats per minute). Maybe I'm a vampire - I have been watching a lot of True Blood lately. After about 30 minutes of laying down, I started to feel better.

When Buttin got home - I told him about my strange heart beat. He said it has happened to him before when he has worked out while being hungover. Well, I was only drinking chocolate milk last night, so the obvious conclusion is that chocolate milk is like my vodka.


  1. Hi Steph! I just started reading. For chafing the best cure is Boudreaux's Butt Paste, which you can get in the kiddie aisle in any grocery store. It will take the sting out in one application. Or Body Glide is good in the prevention department. Be careful in the heat out there! Lisa

  2. I feel that Matt can always provide a story relating his empathy to a situation you find yourself in, that for some curious reason always involves alcohol...
